• Bobruyskiy Zefir

    A Belarusian confectionery company located in the city of Bobruisk, Mogilev Region. It is one of the largest confectionery factories in the Republic of Belarus and the second-largest producer of marshmallow and jelly products in the CIS countries. The company is also one of the largest taxpayers in Bobruisk.

  • Slodych

    OJSC "Confectionery Factory Slodych" is a major player in the confectionery market of the Republic of Belarus, boasting a strong and well-known brand, a structured sales and marketing system, and a wide range of products that cater to various consumer taste preferences.

  • Condensed Milk "Glubokoe"

    The Public Joint Stock Company "Glubokoye Dairy Canning Plant" produces dairy canned goods, butter, powdered dairy products, and semi-hard cheeses.The plant is one of the leading enterprises in its industry, confidently maintaining its leadership in delivering the highest quality products.

How to find us

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